Pew Research Releases Social Media Usage Report

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash.

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash.

Despite all the news about privacy violations and fake news, U.S. citizens continue to use social media about the same as they did in 2018, reports Pew Research Center.

The Center surveyed adults Jan. 8 to Feb. 7 to learn about their usage. Facebook remains among the most popular, with nearly 7 in 10 adults visiting the site daily. However, different ages are attracted to different social media platforms.

“As was true in previous surveys of social media use by the Center, there are substantial age-related differences in platform use. This is especially true of Instagram and Snapchat, which are used by 67% and 62% of 18- to 29-year-olds, respectively.”

The Pew Research Center article includes charts showing different platforms and usage by demographics. Although usage is remaining constant, the researchers found the general growth of these platforms was softening.

“…the steady growth in adoption that social platforms have experienced in the United States over the past decade also appears to be slowing. The shares of adults who say they use Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter are each largely the same as in 2016, with only Instagram showing an uptick in use during this time period. “

Teresa O'Connor